Contoh Program Oop Php Ebook
Contoh Program Oop Php Ebook 2017
Object InheritanceInheritance is a well-established programming principle, and PHP makes useof this principle in its object model. This principle will affect the waymany classes and objects relate to one another.For example, when you extend a class, the subclass inherits all of thepublic and protected methods from the parent class. Unless a class overridesthose methods, they will retain their original functionality.This is useful for defining and abstracting functionality, and permits theimplementation of additional functionality in similar objects without theneed to reimplement all of the shared functionality.Note:Unless autoloading is used, then classes must be defined before they areused. If a class extends another, then the parent class must be declaredbefore the child class structure.
Contoh Program Oop Php Ebook Download
This rule applies to classes that inheritother classes and interfaces.
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