Face Software Editor
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We make innovative ageing software allowing people to visualise themselves in the future and showing effects of lifestyle such as drinking, smoking, tanning, diet, stress and pollution. We make software for education, science, health, pensions and HR. Our apps have been no.1 in 16 countries, achieving over 1 million downloads and reaching out to a global audience.We are proud to have created ageing and lifestyle software for award winning health campaigns, science centres, education, pensions and financial sector as well as human resources. Whether seeing oneself with the effects of different lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking or tanning or merely glimpsing years into the future can really convey a powerful visual message.
Our ageing software has helped to drastically increase numbers of visitors to health websites and campaigns therefore communicating ideas across in an interactive and fun way. All of our ageing software and apps are based on the effects of lifestyle that happen on real people's faces backed up by years of forensic & medical art research and training. Our software tends to hit the headlines and we have been featured on NBC News, CNN, BBC, ITV, Daily Mail, The Sun and the Telegraph to name a few.About ageing: everyone ages individually and much of the ageing process is down to genes and lifestyle so although we cannot predict exactly what someone will look like as they get older, we can determine that everyone's face succumbs to gravity and wrinkles as a result of repeated facial expressions and we can illustrate what we know to happen to the skin as a result of various lifestyles on people's faces.
Sunshine, alcohol, smoking and a poor diet can all accelerate the ageing process, making us look older than our years. Scottish Government - The Drinking Mirror app was launched 7th January 2013 and has amassed more than 500,000 downloads in the Scottish Government 'Drop a Glass Size' campaign, to encourage women to drink a little less.Glasgow Science Centre - An interactive touchscreen kiosk to show users how they could look in 10 years time if they drink and smoke - but also how they could look if they aged naturally.Staffordshire Police 'The Drinking Time Machine targets the younger age group to try to make them think differently about alcohol and the long-term effects of drinking excessively.' Sam Ferguson, Head of Communications, Staffordshire PoliceToyota - Fumeface was created for the marketing department of Toyota and Lexus Fleet Services to encourage the use of cleaner vehicles. The app is the first of its kind to show that living in a polluted 'diesel' environment can have an effect on how fast you age.British Heart Foundation - Smoking Time Machine is a powerful tool to push their campaign for No Smoking Day.
Free downloads available for the STM iOS app.Connexion Asia - A fully comprehensive health questionnaire for HR purposes to show employees how they could look with their current lifestyles in years to come.Alcohelp - 'By including the Drinking Time Machine technology on our website I strongly believe that we will strike a chord with young people by allowing them to see how their face would look in 10 years time if they were to regularly consume alcohol'. Debbie Pierson, Director AlcoHelpAll Saints' Academy, Cheltenham, Glos - We took Drinking and Smoking Time Machine into the school and were impressed at the engagement and interest of the children. They were shocked at how they could look as they aged if they drank or smoked to excess. Case Study: Drinking Time Machine Client: Scottish GovernmentWorking in collaboration with Stripe Communications - DTM app was available for free downloads in the Drop a Drink Size Campaign - February 2012Total 20,000 downloads for 1 month campaignMorna McLelland, Stripe Communications: 'The DTM app and CGI images we used across all media were key tactics in reinvigorating the campaign - then in its third year.
We were able to work closely with the CMF team, Auriole in particular, across some tight deadlines to create end products that were specific to our campaign, and that delivered real cut though.' Jill Walker, Team Leader Health Marketing, Scottish Government: 'The creation of the alcohol app enabled audiences to see what the impact of drinking too much might be which was a strong tactic appealing to the target audience and media alike.
As a key part of our PR activity, it helped deliver a strong and engaging campaign with maximum effect.' Case Study: Drinking Time Machine with School Children Client: All Saints Academy - evaluation with school children using Drinking Time Machine featured on BBC Radio GlosNikki Ball, Teacher in health and social care and Faye Hatcher (BBC Radio)Student's comments: It was awful. I looked rough and horrible, I didn't want to look at it, I put on weight and had flushed cheeks.Nikki Ball: Normally it's something we tackle (drugs and alcohol) and we show pictures of the effects of liver and internal organs, but showing them a picture (of how they may look) is quite hard hitting, working with teenagers - vanity is a huge thing, I think it's really good because it's about them.
Face Software Editor Pc
And using technology like this is more beneficial. I was very surprised at the reaction to their pictures, it was a great buzz in the classroom. We have a responsibility and we need to tackle the issue, along with the NHS and parents - this has absolutely hit home today.
(BBC Radio Glos)68% of boys and girls at All Saints' Academy Comprehensive said DTM would make them think twice about binge drinking in the future. Finance: Pensions Financial Fortune Teller: VisaResearch has shown that people who visualise their future selves, are likely to save more into their pension.We created an app for Visa which includes a pension calculator and a fortune telling ageing tool so that people can see how well or badly you may age according to how much you save over your lifetime.You can see yourself at retirement age, looking worse or better depending on how much you save OR see yourself at the age you will have to retire depending on how much you’re saving. Finance and Health: AON Age Simulator Web app on iPads using web API Client: AON - A global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement and health solutionsWe were asked by AON to produce a web app that could be used at on iPads at conferences and exhibitions to draw delegates to their stand.The AON Age Simulator, shows how your lifestyle and wealth can have an impact on the ageing process. Use three sliders to estimate your health and wealth then see how you will look in years to come.Customer data is collected for future use and the app uses Change My Face API. Finance: Scottish Widows InteractiveA highly successful web app that can be used on iPads and a large touchscreen monitor that is used at events, in offices and stations to create awareness of Scottish Widows products through an engaging ‘Age Me’ game that grabs the attention of passers. Further information is emailed to the customer, so the experience continues long after they have used the interactive.' Just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone involved in getting the ageing game to where it is today – the bus version went down very well today with a lot of positive feedback about it.
Overall it seemed to stand up well in terms of usage mobile signal, the printer and server set up etc. I know a lot of work went on behind the scenes to find a solution to make it work, so thank you!' 'Some of the reactions have been fantastic – people have been genuinely entertained/ horrified/ shocked at the outcomes of the game and a number of people have commented on the realism!'
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Scott Fraser, Union Agency & Scottish Widows.
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