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Ecomondo is the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo. An international event with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. Italy is among the leading countries in Europe in the green and circular economy, in particular in energy efficiency, waste recycling and resource productivity. For this reason, Ecomondo is a reference point in the international panorama, where all the leading companies of the sector can meet and discover the trends, innovations and new technologies and exchange views with sector professionals.

​AGRITECHNICA 2019 – the leading trade fair for agri cultural machinery – opens in Hanover on 10 November. For seven days AGRITECHNICA will be presenting innovations in agricultural technology and providing fascinating insights into the local and global crop production of today and tomorrow. 23 exhibition halls, 2,800 exhibitors, over 450,000 trade visitors – the most important innovations, specialist topics and trends, all staged professionally. Be part of it and meet your target groups, new customers and partners.

Build up successful networks with the agriculture of the future and profi t from ideas and stimuli for your business. The agricultural sector’s global innovations forum off ers a top-class exhibition programme covering all needs – from planting to harvesting and storage. World innovations making their debut here are presented with the Innovation Award AGRITECHNICA– the exclusive flagship of the international innovations show. 200 forums, conferences and special shows make the world’s leading trade fair the most important platform for the future. International experts will be presenting the most topical issues and discussing the key questions concerning the future of farming and agricultural machinery. European Packaging Exhibition. EUROPACK - EUROMANUT - CFIA is a trade fair for all players in the food industry and equipment, packaging, marking and handling professionals across all industrial sectors EUROPACK EUROMANUT CFIA brings together all professionals from the process, packaging, and handling sectors.

It is the best possible environment to connect solutions with the needs of buyers and users. EUROPACK EUROMANUT CFIA has chosen to optimize its offer through a repositioning that enables it to better address the needs of all manufacturing sectors, with three distinct and complementary categories: Process, Packaging, Handling. YugAgro provides the perfect platform for companies to promoting their goods and services to Russia’s leading buyers. YugAgro visitors represent leading agricultural enterprises from leading agrarian regions, including: Agroholdings, Private farmers, Processing plants, Grain companies. For over two decades, YugAgro has been at the forefront of Russian crop production.

It is held during the time when contracts are signed and business concluded in time for the next agricultural year. Support comes from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the Krasnodar Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Krasnodar Region, and the Administration of the Krasnodar City.

YugAgro is the only exhibition of its type held in Krasnodar - the breadbasket of Russia. This puts exhibitors directly at the heart of Russian agriculture, able to meet Krasnodar and Russia’s key decision makers in one place, at one time. Every year, manufacturers of equipment for the production of cement, concrete, reinforced concrete products, dry building mixes, additives and aggregates, DSC plants, and efficiency plants gather at one site.

The exhibition is supported by one of the best business programs in Europe, including presentations by foreign experts from the construction industry in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, coffee breaks, lunches, a round table for a detailed discussion of specific issues, as well as an interesting entertainment program. ​Poultry India, an international exhibition for the poultry industry presents the 13th Edition of the show in the City of Hyderabad, India. The Exhibition features the most innovative and reputed companies across the continent from the poultry sector to showcase their businesses and interact with potential partners, clients and investors. This event provides valuable information about poultry industry, poultry feeds, poultry equipments, technology, chicken breeders, Egg farming, poultry nutrition, animal health and international poultry production. It also offers latest advances in poultry research, science and technology like cages and feed milling importance. On May 25, 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enters into effect in all EU member states.

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